Biz Power System Marketing Tool Review

Traverus Spanish Team

Traverus Spanish Team
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol - Traverus Worldwide

HI5 Pre Lanzamiento

Miremos ahora cuanto la compania nos paga y comparemos los 3 paquetes durante HI5 Pre Lanzamiento. Hay diferentes porcientajes de ingresos y el paquete que usted compra determina cuanto gana cuando las personas compran el paquete al comienzo. La compania paga 3 niveles hacia abajo – el primer nivel es la persona que usted personalmente invita a esta oportunidad durante HI5 Pre Lanzamiento – el segundo nivel es la persona que el o ella introduce y – el tercer nivel es la persona que esta segunda persona introduce a HI5. Pagan el tercer nivel cuando usted patrocina 5 personas a HI5 Oportunidad. Si usted inicia su negocio HI5 con el paquete basico de $199, le pagan 20% de los paquetes en el primer nivel, 20% en el segundo nivel, y 5% en el tercer nivel.

Seguimos con el “builder package” de $499 – 30% el primer nivel – 30% el segundo nivel y 10% el tercer nivel. Finalmente, con el paquete bronze de $999 le pagan en el primer nivel 30%, 30 en el segundo y 10 el tercero. Aunque se paresca al segundo paquete no es igual en muchos otros aspectos de compensación que se explica en otra presentacion.

Esto apenas describe una forma de ingreso con HI5 Pre Lanzamiento. Obtenga la informacion que necesita para hacer una decisión inteligente para cambiar su vida fianciera.

Para Mas Informacion Oprima Aqui
Luz Paez
National Executive, Field Leadership Team

Traverus HI5 Prelaunch - HI5 Pre lanzamiento

Ya comienza el conteo regresivo para el GRAN HI5 PRE LANZAMIENTO DE HI5 HISPANO. Posicionamiento es la palabra del día. Todas aquellas personas que desean tomar control de su destino en esta economía ¡ESTE ES EL MOMENTO! No hay segundas HI5 oportunidad para primeros lugares... ¡TOMA ACCION AHORA Y NO DEJES PASAR ESTA OPORTUNIDAD!

Es hora de despertarse ! HI5 es la oportunidad del 2010 aqui en los Estados Unidos. HI5 con dos productos para el bien estar: HI5 Bebeda para la Energia y HI5 producto para perder peso.

Ofrece un plan de compensacion excelente y durante HI5 pre lanzamiento solamento bonos especiales de por vida.

Pregunte ahora mismo sobre los detalles de HI5 Pre lanzamiento - HI5 Prelaunch.

Para su gran exito con Traverus oprima aqui
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Espanol - Traverus Spanish
Skype name: luz.paez

Traverus Travel Sister Company Hi5 Prelaunch

¡Estamos súper emocionados con todo lo que está sucediendo en HI 5!

En los negocios, es determinante estar en el momento correcto y en el lugar correcto para tener éxito. Me atrevo a decir sin lugar a dudas que nos encontramos en ese punto ahora mismo! Los testimonios que se comienzan a escuchar de los productos de HI 5 son realmente increíbles e impactantes! Sin duda algúna estamos frente a la próxima compañía BILLONARIA en redes de mercadeo. En tan sólo una semana de haber comenzado oficialmente nuestro pre-lanzamiento, nuestra compañía alcanzó el MILLON de dólares en ventas y sobre MEDIO MILLON de dólares están saliendo en cheques de comisiones para los representantes americanos. WOW en 7 días!!!


See the Information Here

Luz Paez
International Marketing Rep

Traverus Equipo Hispano

There are so many network marketing companies out there - and they all look great - they all look promising. You have to be able to distinguish what the best deal in town is. Most importantly, what is the best overall company for your time and effort and to meet your short and long term goals.

Companies are springing up left and right.. Analyze the product carefully and thoroughly AND analyze the pay plan extensively: Is the product safe???? for people to use .... point in case . a product from China that has not been "checked out." Many people go on the hype.

Is the compensation plan truly paying what they promise? What are the downsides to the compensation program they offer?

Traverus David Manning has been a compensation plan specialist for years creating the pay plans for network marketing companies. Traverus now has rolled out the pay plan never before seen in other companies. Recognizing the weaknesses of other programs - Mr. Manning was able to bring forth what is called the 3-D compensation plan.

Our very own Traverus Spanish Team is training the team through webinars and videos and bringing the field up to speed on how profitable the unique 3-D compensation program is.

To succeed in the Traverus Opportunity for yourself click here
Para su gran exito con Traverus oprima aqui
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Espanol - Traverus Spanish
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

People turn to "network marketing" in soft economy |

People turn to "network marketing" in soft economy

More and more people looking for a way out of their current economic situations. Whether someone needs to get through college, replace an income from being layed off from a recent job, caught up in the adjustable mortgage crisis, or maybe someone looking for a new career, Traverus is the answer.

With all the options out there - confusion - or hasty decisions come into play. Set your goals, take time to look at the company's track record, check out the information on where the company is headed, analyze carefully and intelligently your options.

If you take a good look at Traverus Travel Product and what is being offered - you will definitely be amazed. Megatrend Products with an incredible compensation package with great benefits. Let our California Traverus Spanish Team show you all the details.

Para mas informacion sobre Traverus Espanol Oprima aqui
For more information about Traverus Spanish Team click here
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol Team
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Trverus Spanish Team

Channel 13 News 10:00 pm evening news recent headline: "People turn to “network marketing” in soft economy." The state of economy is the subject most talked about recently. More and more people are turning to the home based business concept. Some people are feeling it is the only way out of these tough times.

There are many companies out there but none like the network marketing opportunity that Traverus Travel Product offers with its huge potential for YOU. A worldwide internet business opportunity is at your fingertips with a brilliant compensation package never before seen in the industry.

Don't put a limit to your opportunity to reach your financial and family goals. Analyze and re-visit why you joined the network marketing company you may be involved with. Has the momentum stages long passed? Are you really making the income that you set out to make with the time you have dedicated to that company. I am talking about people who get stuck with the idea that they owe something to the owners of those companies out there like Mary Kaye, Arbonne, ACN, YTB, Herbalife, World Ventures. You've heard of the companies - I am sure.

Traverus Spanish Team is where you want to be! What's more exciting or "sexy" than a product with the ability to take a yacht trip up close and personal with all the wildlife in Alaska or the Sea of Cortez, Baja Mexico. I don't know about you but - the number of people that say they would never want to travel "anywhere" at all is just simply almost unheard of. Just think about it. Okay - for those who have fear of planes and ships: With the vast beauty of the United States alone - Imagine taking a train ride cross country in your own private room (similar to the Orient Express).

Pack your bags - this train is at the station right now. All aboard! The California Traverus Spanish Team is on board to help you with webinars, Spanish/English presentations, travel and marketing classes, lead generation systems, internet marketing on-line webinars. There is no limit to where you can go! We are also traveling to several places this year including Los Cabos, Mazatlan, Alaska, and, of course, our home office where Traverus David Manning is planning the "big bash" this year in Dallas.

To succeed in the Traverus Travel Opportunity for yourself click here
Para su gran exito con Traverus oprima aqui
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Espanol - Traverus Spanish
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Espanol - Traverus Spanish Team

Traverus Travel Network is a full service on-line travel agency based in Allen, Texas. With the extensive line of niche markets available within the world of travel, Traverus David Manning has put together a great program whereby Certified Travel Agents can become specialized in many areas of the 7 trillion dollar global industry. Many Hispanic-Latino destinations have definitely been popular amongst many agents and many travelers.

Today we are highlighting the vast possibilities of traveling throughout the beautiful and historic country of Mexico. Recently - there has been a lot of negative publicity about the dangers of traveling throughout Mexico. Media and bad press has significantly affected the mindset of the many travelers wondering about that Cancun vacation. Let's get the facts straight and spread the real news.

Violence is known to be confined to the border towns. Within Mexico, there is huge collaboration to maintain and reinforce security measures. According to the Tourism Secretary of Mexico - more than 25,000 students travelled to Acapulco for Spring Break holiday. The most popular year-round tourism destinations in general are Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Ixtapa, Mazatlan and Los Cabos. These destinations are far from the borders where there has been recent trouble. Cancun, for example, is 2,012 miles from Tijuana.

Recently some of the locals in Cozumel have been interviewed about "What is really happening in Mexico."

Click here to check out a recent interview in this Traverus Spanish Team video:

As you can see - Mexico is as beautiful as ever with its vast array of archaeological places to visit from the Aztec ruins of Teotihuacan near Mexico City to the Yucatan Peninsula with its jungle tours and ziplining adventures. Traverus Spanish Team members just recently went on a quick 4-day trip to Mexico City. From hiking through the pyramids to visiting the family owned semi precious stone warehouse and shops to the world famous Museum of Anthropology. On Sunday it's familty day in Mexico City where they clear off the main streets all day long to have a day where people can bicycle or stroll around the city enjoying music and food sold from local vendors. With its rich culture and large array of architectural beauty even walking through cobbled stoned streets is incredible.

Not to mention the beauty of all the coastal beach towns on the Pacific Ocean as well as the Caribbean resorts that have flourished throughout the recent years with even more and more luxurious all-inclusive properties being built with golf courses and all the latest amenities.

Our Traverus Travel Product offers the agents access to great prices with its exclusive "member trips" and access to condos in areas like Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Riviera Nayarit, Cozumel, and Cancun. With on-going specials and unbeatable prices - it is easy for you to get away to Mexico for a few days on a 4 or 5 day Traverus cruise to Cozumel or for a week at incredible weekly rates to many resort locations.

Para mas informacion sobre Mexico lindo con Traverus Espanol Oprima aqui
For more information about beautiful Mexico with Traverus Spanish Team click here
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol Team
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Espanol Traverus Spanish Team

What a week! Everyone is just thrilled at what is happening with Traverus Travel Product. People are joining the opportunity everyday and sharing the opportunity with others. With the product launch of the Verus wellness line last weekend and the training of the new 3-D compensation plan - everyone is getting promoted and setting the pace for the momentum stage. The California Traverus Spanish Team is on the move.

Besides featuring 2 huge megatrend products as the anchor, Traverus Travel Network also now features a unique patent-pending (Three Dimensional) 3-D compensation plan that offers two great weekly pay systems. The New Binary weekly pay system along with our coded bonus system makes this the most brilliant compensation model in the network marketing industry.

Traverus David Manning knows from experience that it is critical to get people into the profit mode as quickly as possible when they join any company. If people get paid by recommending 2 or 3 people to the Traverus opportunity - they experience results and get motivated to continue on. The weekly upfront bonuses earned when the Verus wellness products are moved or consumed also create a monthly residual and also put people into a position of the other 2 dimensions of the compensation thereby making this the strongest and most brilliant opportunity that has ever been offered. The forced matrix along with other residual codes that are paid monthly are just there to sweeten the pie and take care of the weaknesses that the traditional Binary program provide. In contrast, the weaknesses of the matrix are offset by the forced 3x9 matrix.

The vision that Traverus David Manning has is huge with his mission statement of providing an opportunity for many people people worldwide. 5CTV and the Golden Triangle relationship are just the cornerstone of what is about to really happen to this opportunity. When you listen to Traverus David Manning each week - you can only smile and get really excited. The opportunity for anyone who joins the program is in for a surprise. Our California Traverus Spanish Team is exploding with growth and with a team of professionals that provide on-going support and training in many branches. Traverus Spanish and Traverus Espanol are only the beginning for Southern California and setting the pace for true global expansion.

Para mas informacion sobre Traverus Espanol oprima aqui
For more information about Traverus Spanish Team click here
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

California Traverus Spanish Team Destiny

There is nothing like the aftermath of a great training and presentation of Traverus Travel. What a fantastic Traverus Travel Product Launch. There are no words to describe the energy in the room. Aside from this being the most brilliant business model ever seen in the network marketing arena because of the Megatrend Products and the patent-pending 3-D compensation plan. Traverus David Manning and the Corporate Field Leadership Team made a huge impact with the fantastic information that was shared with the California Traverus Spanish Team.

People in attendance were in awe at the information from learning to listen to people's needs in order to present the opportunity to "Back to the Basics" and on to the wellness product presentations presented by a nurse. The incredible complete explanation of the 3-D compensation plan by none other than Traverus David Manning himself with the complete description of why this is the best compensation plan in the market place. Step by step the 15 streams of income were unravelled.

Although the day was long people in attendance were on the edge of their seats and ready to take in all the information. Not to mention that during the break every got a try at the Verus Charge It product. This energy drink Charge It provides you a natural sustained energy as well as, a “feel good”, mood enhancing boost without giving you the “jitters” because of the natural ingredients of l-phenylaline and guarana. I would definitely have to say that this delicious drink worked. By the time the session was over well over 7pm people were still lingering around eager to continue.

To succeed in the Traverus Travel Opportunity for yourself click here
Para su gran exito con Traverus oprima aqui
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Espanol - Traverus Spanish
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Spanish Team - Cabo San Lucas

From the US to Malta down to Puerto Rico and then to Cabo. The California Traverus Spanish Team is headed to Cabo San Lucas. It's the next stop on the agenda!

Los Cabos, Mexico, offers luxury hotels and dining, golf, spa treatments, fishing activities, and lots of fun activities for people of all ages. Visitors get to experience a spectacular and diverse landscape with an array of activities and amenities that would appeal to virtually any personality. Travelers can journey to the southernmost tip of the Baja Peninsula to experience the finest in travel experience.

Properties throughout the destination are looking to reward their guests by offering them the greatest services and amenities available in Los Cabos complimentary with their stay.
Several Los Cabos hotels & resorts currently offer fabulous complimentary services to their guests with purchase of the following packages: Pueblo Bonito Luxury Hotels & Resorts are helping travelers looking to get away extend their trips without expanding their budget. From now through December 19, 2009, Pueblo Bonito’s four Los Cabos locations are offering a “Stimulus Package” with fantastic deals.

With non-stop flights or convenient connections available from Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, San Francisco and Sacramento, California; and more, Los Cabos is both accessible and exciting.

With our Traverus Travel Product you have access to many condos in the Cabo area as well. Club Cascadas de Baja Camino Viejo a San Jose Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur Mexico At the southern tip of the Baja California peninsula, guests will enjoy a beachfront restaurant/bar, beauty spa and salon, two swimming pools, two whirlpool spas, a tennis court, clubhouse with big screen television/VCR, and a beautiful swimming beach. The area offers a variety of activities including all water sports, tours to local sights, and shopping in the town stores and open-air markets.

Doesn't that sound like a great place to visit? And you will not believe the prices that Traverus

Para mas informacion sobre Traverus Espanol oprima aqui
For more information about Traverus Spanish Team click here
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol Expansion
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Spanish Team

We are just getting started. With approximately 11,000 Traverus opportunity participants - we are barely scratching the surface. Although, Traverus David Manning has positioned our opportunity to reach worldwide segments; we are still just beginning.

Beneficiece Oprima Aqui Para Mas Informacion
Benefit from Traverus - Click Here For More Information
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Spanish Team

The California explosion is thundering throughout the company. Traverus Spanish Team is in momentum with its fast paced growth in both travel sales and highest recruits. The company Product Launch is in Southern California this week. Traverus David Manning and the corporate field training team will be presenting and training in a Los Angeles location this weekend.

For more information - click here
Para mas informacion - oprima aqui
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol
Skype name: luz.paez

Traverus Spanish Team

TraVerus Travel Network has the most comprehensive certification program in the industry. For those people out there who are serious about getting their IATAN credential and make money on booking travel, Traverus David Manning, has set up relationships and strategically placed the company for a positive profile in the industry.

From the Norwegian coastline to the Galapagos Islands exciting adventures are a segment of the travel program that the California Traverus Spanish Team trains on in the California based webinars and teleconferences. Live trainings located in various Southern California cities are recorded and archived.

Our Team also takes field trips to several places during the year. Last year we hiked the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico - took a 7-day Caribbean Cruise - visited Vancouver for several team presentations - did an inspection of the brand new Encore Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas and had time to have weekly Traverus Spanish Team trainings in both sides of the business: travel and marketing.

We - at the California Traverus Spanish Team - specialize in recreation. We assist the team in realizing their favorite recreational travel pleasures. Our training modules are categorized in "niches." Once the decision is made on a segment of travel - the rest is easy - learn, learn, learn, everything possible in that "niche."

For more information - click here
Para mas informacion - oprima aqui
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol Expansion
Skype name: luz.paez

California Traverus Spanish Team

Traverus is an international company that provides opportunity for people of all nations. The California Traverus Spanish Team takes great pride in helping people of all communities to reach their goals. The most elaborate training modeules we have are in English - Spanish.

My recommendation is that everyone join Traverus Travel Network today! We have all the tools available to help you make money in any of the 15 different ways Traverus Travel Product offers. Whether you enjoy selling products or if you prefer the face to face way of introducing people to a fantastic opportunity, we have the business model with step by step process to get you to the income level you desire.

TraVerus enables you to run a successful travel business right from your home. Whether you an employee or own your own business, if you are retired or just getting started and going to college, we want to help you become financially independent by working in the 7 Trillion dollar travel industry and the $500+ billion dollar wellness industry - also known as megatrends.

As exciting as Travel can be we also recognize that many of you prefer to have a product or products that you can use, share or sell. TraVerus has developed a line of unique, high demand travel and lifestyle products to help you have a variety of products to choose from for either personal use or to make a profit margin with. Traverus Travel offers several packages to choose from when becoming affiliated with the program. Our Traverus Spanish Team will show you the advantages of each compared to your specific goals.

With any package you choose to purchase when you decide to become an agent you will receive your personalized Travel Portal that you can refer people to, in addition to a selection of products. In the event that you wish to become a true “Certified Travel Agent,” TraVerus also features comprehensive training modules to allow you to do so.

There are many ways you can get involved with TraVerus Travel Network:

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For More Information Click Here
Luz Paez - National Executive
International Marketing Consulant
Skype Name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

California Traverus Spanish Team

With or without you! The California Traverus Spanish Team is ready for take off!

You have nothing to lose if you just come out and check out what is really going on in the industry of Internet home based business opportunities... What a better product than: Traverus Travel Product.

Traverus Travel Network is setting the new guidelines for a successful business model. Megatrend products and a patent-pending 3-D compensation plan.

Again with or without you Traverus Travel Network will fly to high altitudes of success. Those on the ride will feel the engines revving up the power of the high speed as the Condor completes the journey in record time. The California Traverus Spanish Team is in the first class section of the plane.

Don't miss your flight!
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traveus Espanol Expansion
Skype Name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Spanish Team

We are just barely getting started - Traverus Travel Network - started as a "brick and mortar" travel agency around 28 years ago. Traverus David Manning, CEO and Founder, has set the stage and created the mission to become the leader in leisure travel sales.

Just in the infancy stages - Traverus commenced its network marketing opportunity a little over 2 years ago with its on-line travel agency. With the launch of the new Verus Wellness Traverus travel products and the new enhanced never been seen before 3-D compensation plan, everything is just being set in place. In all good business enhancements comes the on-set of changes. No improvements can exist without change.

Our Traverus Spanish Team is ready and able to train on all the new changes and enhancements brought forth by David Manning. With all materials in English and Spanish including marketing websites and bi-lingual trainings and presentations. We are ready to take Traverus Southern California to the highest levels of success.

Para Mas Informacion Oprima Aqui
For More Information Click Here
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol Expansion
Skype Name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Spanish Team

Traverus Spanish Team is at work with the publishing of the Spanish version of "Travel and Lifestyle" magazine. It will highlight the latest information about the New megatrend products and the patent-pending 3-D compensation plan. Some of the articles will feature the key leaders out in the field helping in the Latino - Hispanic expansion from the East Coast to the West Coast.

Traverus David Manning visited Puerto Rico earlier this month on his starting point of his road trip to visit key growing cities within the Traverus teams. Next stop is Southern California while David Manning trains the Traverus Spanish Team with all facets of the business. Topics for discussion will include the plans for Traverus international expansion.

Spanish webinars, tele-conferences, and marketing materials are being updated in Spanish to include the new Verus wellness product line and the enhanced compensation program.

The Traverus Spanish Team is ready for the growth that will occur this year. Cabo San Lucas and other key cities in Mexico are in preliminary stage of plans to expand into Central America.
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Spanish - Traverus Espanol
Skype Name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277

Traverus Spanish Team

Although Travelworks was a brick and mortar travel agency for over 20 years, David Manning, CEO & President of Traverus Travel Network, has definitely taken the agency from a "brick and mortar" to a "click and order" business. While the trend in the industry was heading towards the internet, Traverus David Manning was dedicating over 6 years to setting up the many facets that have now formed the best network marketing opportunity in the industry.

With exciting megatrend products being offered for both personal consumption and promotion, Traverus Travel Network has set itself in front of other companies (World Ventures, YTB, America's Choice, Cruise Planners, etc.). Not only does Traverus offer great member trips and travel deals for all its reps - the opportunity for making money is incredible. Travel and Wellness set as the 2 huge megatrend products create a synergy of opportunity. As an added bonus is the incredible pay plan never before seen in the industry - 3-D compensation plan.

Traverus Spanish Team is also ready for the big product launch this month when none other than David Manning himself will be in the Los Angeles area. The Traverus Spanish Team has been gearing up to this fantastic event. Recognition - promotions - awards - prices will be part of the Traverus Travel Product Launch this month.

Click Here to Find Out More
Oprima Aqui Para Mas Informacion
Luz Paez
International Marketing Consultant
Traverus Espanol - Traverus Spanish Expansion
Skype name: luz.paez
(951) 966-8277